Dr. Dan Dirzu

Doctor in stiinte
Anestezie si terapie intensiva
Terapia durerii
Ofera consultatii in judetele:
Dr. Dan Dirzu


dan dirzu

10.00 din 10 30 recenzii
This is an average that reflects the scores given by patients following the interaction with the doctor during the consultation.
Nota Recenzii


Consult terapia durerii
390 Lei
Control terapia durerii
235 Lei
Manopera infiltratie ecoghidata diagnostic
515 Lei
Manopera infiltratie ecoghidata terapeutic
735 Lei
Preturile afisate pe site sunt cele standard. In functie de gradul profesional si experienta fiecarui medic, de situatia medicala concreta a pacientului si de politica comerciala companiei, acestea pot varia si pot suferi modificari. Va rugam sa verificati corectitudinea acestora in call center: 021.9268

Cursuri postuniversitare:

  • National course of guidelines and protocols in Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (GPATI) 2013: Early goal directed therapy of sepsis in Emergency Department
  • ESCTAIC Meeting 2014 Bronchoscopy in ICU –  old technique, new contexts !?
  • GPATI 2015 Common modes of mechanical ventilation
  • ESCTAIC Meeting 2016 Role of simulation in medical education
  • GPATI 2016 Legal challenges of critical patient in Emergency Department
  • MediSim 2015 The First Conference of Simulation Applied in Medicine Effectiveness versus efficiency in medical skills laboratory
  • Emergency Medicine Actualities conference 2015 Legal challenges of critical patient in Emergency Department
  • Romanian veterinary and critical care society meeting 2015 Acid base deficits in cats and dogs.
  • CEEA (Committee for European Education in Anaesthesiology) 2016 Ultrasound and Anesthesia – basic knowledge
  • Difficult Airway Symposium 2016 - Simulation Role in difficult airway training
  • ARAR meeting 2016 Simulation role in teaching regional anesthesia
  • CEEA 2017 Postoperative pain protocols based on surgical procedure -  a summary of PROSPECT recommendations.
  • Emergency Medicine Actualities conference 2017    Anesthesia and analgesia in limb trauma
  • MediSim 2017 Conference of Simulation Applied in Medicine - Simulation role in regional anesthesia training
  • GPATI 2017 Anesthetist role in neoplasic pain
  • ARAR 2017 Basic ultrasound physics for anesthesiologist
  • European society of regional anesthesia and pain therapy annual congress (ESRA)  2017 CSE AND ITS ROLE IN HIGH RISK PATIENTS
  • XIXth meeting of National Anatomy Society 2018 Sono-anatomy for regional anesthesia
  • Emergency Medicine Today meeting 2018 Management of sepsis in Emergency Departament
  • ARAR  2018 Interventional treatment  for neoplasia pain, Combined spinal epidural  for high risk surgical patient
  • SRATI 2018 (Romanian Society of Anesthesia) QL is anesthesia of choice for abdominal surgery
  • SRATI 2019 Epidural is still the anesthesia of choice for colorectal procedures.

Publicatii :

  • Manual of Aneasthesia and Intensive Care for IV year students – Hagau et all Cluj Napoca,  2007
  • Guideline of medical and surgical manoeuvres Gherman et all Romanian, French and English editions, coauthor „Editura Cărtii de Stiintă” 2017 ISBN 978-606-17-1169-7; 978-606-17-1165-9; 978-606-17-1167-3
  • Guidline of medical and surgical techniques Gherman et all Romanian, French and English editions, coauthor „Editura Cărtii de Stiintă” 2017 ISBN 978-606-17-1168-0, 978-606-17-1166-6, 978-606-17-1164-2
  • First aid manual for first year students, Hagau et all Romanian and English versions Cluj Napoca 2010, reedited 2016 ISBN: 978-973-693-674-6, 978-973-693-675-3
  • Postoperative recovery of critical patient – manual for students Hagau et all, Editura medicala universitara „Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj Napoca 2016, ISBN 978-973-693-673-9
  • Pain Management: A Problem-Based Learning Approach Anitescu M., Oxford University Press USA, 2018 DOI: 10.1093/med/9780190271787.001.0001
  • Oxford Handbook of Regional anesthesia Romanian Edition – Warman, Conn, Nicholls, Wilkinson,  Dirzu, Onutu, Bodolea 2017, Ed. Hipocrate, ISBN: 9783829767491

Participare la studii clinice:

  • EUSOS clinical study local coordinator - http://eusos.esicm.org/
  • ELOISE clinical study local coordinator - http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01422070
  • POPULAR clinical study local coordinator - http://www.esahq.org/POPULAR
  • Met-Repair clinical study local coordinator - http://www.esahq.org/met-repair
  • ALERGOCIT - http://www.granturi.umfcluj.ro/Alergocit/rezumaten.html

Membru in societati medicale:

  • Membru fondator si Presedinte al Asociatiei Romane de Anestezie Regionala si Terapia Durerii (ARAR), reprezentanta în Romsnia a societstii Europene omonime (ESRA).
  • Membru in Comitetul Director a Societatii Europene de Anestezie Regionala si Terapia Durerii.

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