Medic primar
Ortopedie si traumatologie
![Dr. Gabriel Stefanescu Dr. Gabriel Stefanescu](/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/medic/gabriel_stefanescu.jpg?itok=TLp8Xz12 1x)
Consult ortopedie
390 Lei
Control ortopedie
270 Lei
Extractie corp strain
550 Lei
Extragere fire sutura non RM
415 Lei
205 Lei
Cursuri postuniversitare:
- 2018: AORecon Webinar Isolated Cup Revision—How to handle the Stem, Main Presenter: Michael Morlock, MD (Germany), Chat Moderator: Carsten Perka, MD (Germany)
- 2018: SRATS Congress 2018 Bucharest, Romania Chairman Prof. Dr. Ioan-Cristian Stoica, Spitalul de Ortopedie Foisor Bucuresti
- 2018: AO Trauma Webinar Posterior Approaches to Ankle and Talus Fractures (Posteromedial and Posterolateral), Lead Surgeon: Tim Schepers, MD (the Netherlands), Moderator: Mandeep Dhillon, MD (India)
- 2018: AOTrauma Webinar Intraoperative Imaging during Distal Radius Fracture Surgery Main Presenter: Daniel Rikli, MD (Switzerland) Chat Moderator: Amir Steinitz, MD (Germany)
- 2017: AORecon Webinar Innovations in Osteotomies Around the Knee, Main Presenter: Steffen Schröter, MD (Germany), Chat Moderators: Ryohei Takeuchi, MD (Japan), Stefan Dobele, MD (Germany)
- 2017: AO Webinar Recent Trends in Shoulder Arthroplasty, Main Presenter: Martin Jager, MD (Germany), Chat Moderator: Stefaan Nijs, MD (Belgium), Presenters: Michael Glanzmann, MD (Switzerland), Chunyan Jian, MD (China)
- 2017: AOTrauma Webinar Managing Pelvic Injuries in Older Adults—A Complicated Problem, Main Presenter: Dietmar Krappinger, MD (Austria), Chat Moderator: Fabian Stuby, MD (Germany)
- 2017: Bucuresti, Spitalul Monza, Tips and Tricks, ATTUNE Knee System Prostheses, Dr Simon Kovac M.D. PhD (Orthopaedic Hospital Valdoltra) and Dr Dinu Gabriel
- 2016: Valdoltra Slovenia, Advanced Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery, Fellowship in Orthopaedic Hospital Valdoltra under supervision Dr. Bogdan Ambrozic
- 2016: Berlin Germany, Minimally Invasive Approach to Flat Foot Surgery, Chairman Prof. Dr. Michael E. Graham, Aesculap Akademie GmbH
- 2016: Congresul SRATS 2016, Chairman Conf. Dr. Ioan-Cristian Stoica, Spitalul de Ortopedie Foisor, Bucuresti
- 2015: AOTrauma Webinar—Perilunate Fracture Dislocations, moderator Dr Fiesky Nunez Vazquez, Venezuela and Dr. Ladislav Nagy, Switzerland
- 2015: AOTrauma Webinar – MIPO Techniques for Calcaneal Trauma, moderator Norman Espinosa, MD. Switzerland
- 2015: AOTrauma Webinar—Geriatric Acetabular Fractures—Leave it, Fix it or Replace it?, moderators Tania Ferguson MD, USA and Jasvinder Daurka MBChB, UK
- 2015: Conferinta Solusii minim invazive Mitek pentru restabilirea mobilitatii in medicina sportiva, Bucuresti
- 2015: Austrian Knee Symposium – “Sports Medicine – Traumatology – Prostheses”, Chairman Dominkus Martin, Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr. II. Orthopaedische Abteilung, Orthopaedisches Spital Speising, Wien, Austria
- 2015: Austrian Shoulder Symposium – „Instability – Rotator Cuff – Shoulder Prostheses”, Chairmans Wurnig Christian, Prim. Univ.Doz. Dr. Vorstand der I. Orthopaedischen Abteilung, Orthopädisches Spital Speising, Wien, Austria and Meraner Dominik, Dr. Orthopaedisches Spital Speising, Wien, Austria
- 2014: Stryker Course and Workshop knee artroplasty, Bucuresti
- 2014: Stryker Course and Workshop hip arthroplasty, Bucuresti
- 2014: AO Trauma Webinar – Improving the Quality of Care of Patients with Fragility Fracture, moderator Prof. Dr. Michael Blauth MD Innsbruck, Austria
- 2013: AO Trauma Lecture Webcasts – Scaphoid fixation and nonunion, Moderator Jesse B Jupiter, MD, USA
- 2013; AO Trauma Symposium “Fractures around the knee”, Chairman Dr. Andrei Tudor Ursache, Bucuresti
- 2012: AO Trauma Lecture Webcasts – Proximal humeral fractures, Davos Course Moderator Martin H Hessmann, MD
- 2012: Advanced Arthroscopic Surgery Cadaver Course – Universitaetsklinik für Unfallchirurgie, Graz, Austria
- 2012: Ludwigshafen Germany – AO Fellowship in the Level I Trauma Center BerufsGenossenschaftliche UnfallKlinik Ludwigshafen Germany under supervision of Prof. Dr. Paul Alfred Grutzner, Leitender Oberarzt Dr. Jan von Recum, Oberarzt Dr. Bernd Vock and Oberarzt Dr. Marco Tinelli
- 2011: Arthroscopic Surgery Cadaver Course – Universitaetsklinik fuer Unfallchirurgie, Graz, Austria
- 2011:14th congress of the International Society for Medical Shockwave Treatment (ESWT) Chairman dr Ludger Gerdesmeyer, Kiel, Germany
- 2011: AO Trauma Seminar – Foot & Ankle, Chairman Prof. Dr. Klaus D. Schaser, Bucuresti
- 2010: AO Trauma Course “Management of Fractures of the Hand and Wrist”, Chairman Zsolt Szabo MD, PhD and Prof. Ioan Lascar, Bucuresti
- 2010: AO Trauma Advanced Cadaver Course – Approaches and Osteosynthesis, Universitaetsklinik fuer Unfallchirurgie, Chairman Prof.Dr. Wolfgang Grechenig MD, PhD, Graz, Austria
- 2009: AO Trauma Seminar LCP Expert Meeting, Chairmans Prof. Steven Velkes, MD, PhD and Dr. Andrei Tudor Ursache, Bucuresti
- 2009: AO Trauma Course, “Advances in Operative Fracture Management”, Chairmans Prof. Endre Varga, MD, PhD and Prof. Michael Wagner, MD, Sinaia
- 2008: AO Trauma Regional Course, “Principles in Operative Fracture management”, Chairman Prof. Endre Varga, MD, PhD, Poiana Brasov
- 2007: Basic Microsurgery, Clinical Emergency Hospital, Bucuresti
Membru al:
- Societatii Romane de Ortopedie si Traumatologie (SOROT)
- AOTrauma (Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Osteosynthesefragen)
- The European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT)
- Societatii Romane de Artroscopie si Traumatologie Sportiva (SRATS)
- European Society for Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA)
- The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)