Conferentiar Universitar Dr. Bogdan Deleanu

Doctor in stiinte medicale

Ortopedie si traumatologie
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Conferentiar Universitar Dr. Bogdan Deleanu

Programari la Conferentiar Universitar Dr. Bogdan Deleanu


Conferentiar Universitar Dr.
bogdan deleanu

9.64 din 10 243 recenzii
This is an average that reflects the scores given by patients following the interaction with the doctor during the consultation.


Consult in urgenta
400 Lei
Consult ortopedie
355 Lei
Control ortopedie
290 Lei
Evaluare medicala cu adeverinta
250 Lei
Extragere fire sutura non RM
265 Lei
Indepartare atela gipsata membru inferior
185 Lei
Interpretare analize
290 Lei
Intocmire document medical pentru scopuri administrative (certificate, referate, adeverinte etc)
245 Lei
Manopera infiltratie complexitate medie
730 Lei
Manopera infiltratie complexitate mica
380 Lei
Preturile afisate pe site sunt cele standard. In functie de gradul profesional si experienta fiecarui medic, de situatia medicala concreta a pacientului si de politica comerciala companiei, acestea pot varia si pot suferi modificari. Va rugam sa verificati corectitudinea acestora in call center: 021.9268

Competenta in artroscopia genunchiului.

Arii de interes medical:

  • Chirurgia artroscopica a genunchiului
  • Chirurgia protetica a soldului si genunchiului
  • Patologia traumatica a femurului proximal
  • Traumatologie sportiva

Cursuri postuniversitare:

  • 2015: Instructor la International Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy Advanced Course, ESSKA, ISAKOS
  • 2013: Lector la International Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy Advanced Course, sub egida ESSKA (European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery & Arthroscopy)
  • 2013: International course Exeter Hip Academy: level 2, Princess Elisabeth Orthopaedic Centre, Anglia
  • 2012: Masterclass in Knees – current concepts in orthopaedic pathologie, Maastricht, Olanda
  • 2011: International Training For Surgeons Concerning Treatment of Long Bone Fractures, Bialystok, Polonia
  • 2010: Masterclass in hips – current concepts in orthopaedic pathologie, Maastricht, Olanda
  • 2009: Stagiu de pregatire la Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Strasbourg, Franta
  • 2008: Ultrasonografie musculoscheletala in cadrul congresului european EUROSON sustinut la Timisoara
  • 2001: Curs Artroscopia genunchiului, Prof.Dr. J.Barrett
  • 2000: Endoprotezarea soldului, Prof.Dr.H.Vermesan


Peste 100 de lucrari stiintifice publicate in extenso sau la diverse conferinte si congrese din tara si strainatate, precum si 8 monografii in specialitate ca prim sau coautor, printre care cele mai representative:

  • 2015: Avascular necrosis of the femoral head at 2 years after pertrochanteric fracture surgery: Case report: B. Deleanu, R. Prejbeanu, D. Vermesan, L. Honcea, M. L. Mioc, E. Tsiridis, V. Predescu, Annals of Medicine and Surgery, Volume 5
  • 2015: Occult fractures of the proximal femur: imaging diagnosis and management of 82 cases in a regional trauma center. Deleanu B, Prejbeanu R, Tsiridis E, Vermesan D, Crisan D, Haragus H, Predescu V, Birsasteanu F. World J Emerg Surg
  • 2015: Is pronator quadratus repair important in distal radius fractures operated using a volar approach?: B.Deleanu, R.Prejbeanu, E.Pujo, D.Vermesan, L.Honcea, V.Predescu, E.Tsiridis – 16th EFORT Congress Prague, Czech Republic
  • 2015: .Gait characteristics before hardware removal in patients operated upon for tibial plateau fractures. Deleanu B, Prejbeanu R, Crisan D, Predescu V, Popa I, Poenaru DV. Int Orthop
  • 2015: Combined bilateral femoral head necrosis and pertrochanteric fracture: a case report. Deleanu B, Prejbeanu R, Crisan D, Vermesan D, Predescu V, Tsiridis E. J Med Case Rep
  • 2014: Acute abdominal complications following hip surgery. Deleanu B, Prejbeanu R, Vermesan D, Haragus H, Icma I, Predescu V. Chirurgia (Bucur)
  • 2013: Intramedullary locking nail versus angle-stable locking compression plate osteosyntesis in the tratment of two and three part fractures of the proximal humerus in the elderly: B.Deleanu, R.Prejbeanu, D.Vermesan, E.Pujo, M.Prejbeanu, P.Sirbu. 14th EFORT Congress, Istanbul, Turkey
  • 2013: Reamed versus unreamed intramedullary locked nailing in tibial fractures: B.Deleanu, R.Prejbeanu, D.Poenaru, D.Vermesan, H.Haragus – free paper – 14th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, Lyon, France
  • 2012: Results of intramedullary Gamma 3 in trochanteric hip fractures: B.Deleanu, R.Prejbeanu, I.Borza, D.Vermesan, L.Muresan – free paper - 10th Congress European Hip Society, Milano, Italy
  • 2012: Basicervical and pertrochanteric fractures in severly osteoporotic patients treated by means of hip replacement: B.Deleanu, R.Prejbeanu, D.Vermesan, E.Pujo, M.Prejbeanu, G.Singh – free paper – 56th NOF Congress, Tallinn, Estonia

Membru al:

  • European Hip Society
  • Societatii Romano-Hispano-Italiene de Ortopedie si Traumatologie ASORIS
  • Societatii Romane de Ortopedie si Traumatogie (SOROT)
  • European Society for Trauma & Emergency Surgery (E.S.T.E.S.)
  • Reprezentantul National al Romaniei in European Hip Society (E.H.S.)