Medic specialist

Consult cardiologie
355 Lei
Consult de specialitate menopauza
355 Lei
Consult longevitate
355 Lei
Control cardiologie
290 Lei
Control de specialitate menopauza
290 Lei
Control longevitate
290 Lei
Ecografie cord si doppler
465 Lei
EKG cu interpretare
205 Lei
Interpretare analize
290 Lei
Interpretare holter EKG
290 Lei
Arii de interes:
- hipertensiunea arterial
- insuficienta cardiac
- fibrilatie atriala
- anemie
- imagistica (ecografia cardiaca)
- Association Between Subclinical Left Ventricular Myocardial Systolic Dysfunction Detected by Strain and Strain-Rate Imaging and Liver Steatosis and Fibrosis Detected by Elastography and Controlled Attenuation Parameter in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome - Parvanescu T, Vitel A, Sporea I, Mare R, Banciu C, Bordejevic DA, , Citu IM, Tomescu MC- Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes.Dovepress, 13: 3749–3759, 2020
- The prognosic Role of Anemie in Heart failure Patients - T Parvanescu,B Buz, D.A. Bordejevic, F Caruntu, M Trofenciuc, M.C. Tomescu, I.M. Citu - Revista de Chimie, Volum 71, 185-191, An 2020.
- P2430Laboratory TLR4 and TLR2 detection method from peripheral human blood for early detection of doxorubicin induced cardiotoxicity - T. Parvanescu, , M. Trofenciuc, A.L. Pop-Moldovan, D.A. Darabantiu, M.F. Onel, G.E. Verboczki, M.C. Tomescu, H.S. Branea, R. Christodorescu, A. Mavrea, D. Pop, I.F. Ferent, M.F. Puschita, European Heart Journal, Volum 38, 29 August 2017.
- Sindrom hipereozinofilic - prezentare de caz , A.Gurghean, T. Pârvanescu, N. Berbec: Revista Medicina Interna . Vol. 12 Issue 5, p77-84. 8p, 2015
- Tudor Parvanescu, Andrei Vitel, Ioan Sporea, Ruxandra Mare, Bogdan Buz, Diana Aurora Bordejevic, Mirela Cleopatra Tomescu, Sergiu Florin Arnautu, Vlad Ioan Morariu, Ioana Mihaela Citu: “Significant Association between Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction, Left Atrial Performance and Liver Stiffness in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease”, Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy, 9 April 2021 Volume 2021:14 Pages 1535—1545; IF:2,8
- Andrei Vitel, Tudor Parvanescu, Vlad Ioan Morariu, Diana Aurora Bordejevic, Mirela Cleopatra Tomescu Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Associated With Metabolic Syndrome, a Major Risk Factor for Atherosclerotic Disease, RESEARCH AND CLINICAL MEDICINE JOURNAL The European Journal of Innovative, Integrative and Translational Medicine Volume V, Issue 1, 2021;
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