2023: Conferinta Anuala a Asociatiei Romane pentru Studiul Obezitatii
2023: Simpozionul Anual pentru Alimentatie Sanatoasa
2023: Conferinta Colegiului Dieteticienilor din Romania
2021: Impacting Health in the new norm wth specialized nutrition, organizat de Nutricia
2021: Scoala de vara Actual Challenges in diabetic neuropathy, organizata de Societatea de neuropatie diabetica
2021: Summer School University of North Florida, Department of Nutrition & Dietetics
2021: „13 th national Symposium on Inflammatory Bowel
2020: University of North Florida, Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, Summer School
Breast Milk and Immunology - The Latest Evidence On The Effects of Breastfeeding And The Immune System
Curs online Harvard Medical School “6-Week Plan for Healthy Eating”
Curs online Harvard Medical School „Lose Weight and Keep It Off”
Effects of prenatal diet on childhood allergic diseas
The correlation between motivational interviewing and weight reduction in obese children
Poster Cozma OM, Gherasim A., Mihalache L., Arhire L. „Comparing attitudes towards people living with obesity of medical, nursing and nutrition and dietetics students” 17-20.05.2023 Dublin, Congresul Interna?ional de Obezitate
Poster OR Temneanu, LM Trandafir, R Serban, OM Ro?u, Beliefs and Current Attitude Related To Obesity of the young students fromGeneral Medicine and Nutrition programme, Nutrition and Growth, 15-17.02.2024, Lisabona, Portugalia
Articol Rosu OM, Pop LM, Iorga M, Iurcov R.„Investigating lifestyle, eating behaviors, obesity and orthorexia nervosa among medical students” in The Medical-Surgical Journal of the Society of Psysicians and naturalists from Iasi, vol 127, nr 2 (2023)
Membru in:
Colegiul Dieteticienilor din Romania
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