Dr. Mihaela Sescioreanu

Arii de interes medical:

  • Somnologie


  • ”Relationship of sGaw to FEV1 in MetchacholineChallenge Testing”, Sescioreanu Mihaela MD, DiGiovine Bruno, MD, Morris Zachary Q., MD,  volume 126, issue 4, supplement, 745S, October 1 2004, Chest Journal, https://doi.org/10.1378/chest.126.4_MeetingAbstracts.745S-a;
  • ”Pleural Effusion due to Saline Breast Implant without Rupture MimickingMalignant Effussion”,  Sescioreanu Mihaela MD,   Morris Zachary Q., MD, , Chest Journal, 128, October 2005, 10.1378/chest.128.4_MeetingAbstarcts.455S

Membru in societati medicale:

  • ACCP- American College of Chest Physicians
  • ATS- American Thoracic Society
  • AASM-American Academy of Sleep Medicine
  • SRP- Societatea Română de Pneumologie
  • ERP- European Respiratory Society

Premii, distinctii:

  • Best Intern –Internal Medicine Programme, 2001
  • Best Teacher Award, 2010, 2018