Dr. Felix Bende


  • Ultrasonografie abdominala;
  • Ultrasonografie interventionala;
  • Ecografie cu substanta de contrast;
  • Aplicatii ale elastografiei bazate pe ultrasunete, endoscopie digestiva diagnostica si terapeutica, masurarea HVPG.

Cursuri postuniversitare:

  • 2016: EUROSON School Course – Up to Date in Liver Elastography, Timisoara, Romania;
  • 2016: 24th UEG Week, Viena, Austria;
  • 2016: Scoala Nationala de Vara de Gastroenterologie si Hepatologie, Ramnicu-Valcea, Romania;
  • 2016: Digestive Disease Week, San Diego, California, USA;
  • 2016: 3rd UpDate on Hepatology Course, Bucuresti, Romania;
  • 2015: 23th UEG Week, Barcelona, Spania;
  • 2015: Scoala Nationala de Vara de Gastroenterologie si Hepatologie Paltinis, Paltinis, Romania;
  • 2015: World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (WFUMB) World Congress / American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Annual Convention, Lake Buena Vista, Florida USA;
  • 2014: Digestive Endoscopy Cluj, Cluj-Napoca, Romania;
  • 2014: Scoala Nationala de Vara, Maramures, Romania;
  • 2014: Euroson School Interventional Ultrasound, Berlin, Germania;
  • 2014: Postgraduate Endoscopy Hands-on Workshop, Craiova, Romania;
  • 2013: Digestive Endoscopy Workshop, Cluj - Napoca, Romania;
  • 2013: United European Gastroenterology Trainee Course - Summer School, Praga, Cehia.

Conferinte si congrese: 

  • 2016: 28th EUROSN Congress of EFSUMB, Leipzig, Germania;
  • 2016: A XIX-a Conferinta a Societatii Romane de Ultrasonografie în Medicina si Biologie, Craiova, Romania;
  • 2016: Al XXXVI-lea Congres de Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie si Endoscopie Digestiva, Cluj-Napoca, Romania;
  • 2016: European Congress of Radiology, Viena, Austria;
  • 2015: 27th Congress of EFSUMB, Atena, Grecia;
  • 2015: Al XXXV-lea Congres National de Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie si Endoscopie Digestiva, Iasi, Romania;
  • 2014: Al XXXIV-lea Congres National de Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie si Endoscopie Digestiva, Oradea, Romania;
  • 2014: United European Gastroenterology Trainee Course - Summer School, Praga, Cehia;
  • 2014: A XVII-a Conferinta Nationala a Societatii Romane de Ultrasonografie in Medicina si Biologie, Timisoara, Romania;
  • 2013: Al XXXIII lea Congres National de Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie si Endoscopie Digestiva, Timisoara, Romania;


Carti si E-book-uri:

  • Sporea I. Danila M (sub redactia) (Sirli R, Popescu A, Goldis A, Ratiu I, Deleanu A, Miutescu B, Bende F, Ghiuchici AM, Mare R, Moga T). Manual de explorari în gastroenterologie si hepatologie. Editura „Victor Babes” Timisoara, 2019. ISBN 978-606-786-121-1 (e-book) – 118 pagini.
  • Hepatic Elastography Using Ultrasound Waves Revised Edition of Volume 1. Bentham E-Books 2016. eISBN: 978-1-68108-401-5, 2016.

Articole publicate in jurnale cu factor de impact ISI:

  • •    Mulabecirovic, I. Sporea, A. Popescu, R. Sirli, O-H. Giljia, M. Vesterhus, R. Havre. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology December 2017 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2017.10.013. IF: 2.494.
  • Performance of 2D-SWE.GE for predicting different stages of liver fibrosis, using Transient Elastography as the reference method . F. Bende, I. Sporea, R. Sirli, A. Popescu, R. Mare, B. Miutescu, R. Lupusoru, T. Moga, C. Pienar. Medical ultrasonography February 2017 DOI: 10.11152/mu-910 . IF: 1.167.
  • Intra- and Inter-Observer Reproducibility of a 2-D Shear Wave Elastography Technique and the Impact of Ultrasound Experience in Achieving Reliable Data . T. Moga, AM Stepan, C. Pienar, F. Bende , A. Popescu, R. Sirli, M. Danila, I. Sporea. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology , May 2018 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2018.03.029
  • Comparative study between four ultrasound Shear Waves Elastographic methods for liver fibrosis assessment. I. Sporea, R. Mare, R. Lupusoru, A. Popescu, M. Danila, F. Bende , R. Sirli. Medical ultrasonography, April 2018 DOI: 10.11152/mu-1487.
  • Are there different cut-off values for staging liver fibrosis using 2D-SWE implemented on different systems from the same manufacturer? I. Sporea, F. Bende, A. Popescu, R. Lupusoru, R. Fofiu, R. Sirli. Medical ultrasonography, December 2019, DOI: 10.11152/mu-2225

Proceduri (Top 20):

  • Optimal number of valid measurements for the assessment of liver stiffness using 2D-SWE.GE. F. Bende, I. Sporea, R. Sirli, A. Popescu, M. Danila, R. Mare, R. Lupusoru. Ultraschall in der Medizin 37(S 01) August 2016 DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1587858. IF: 4.434.
  • Comparative study between two 2D-Shear Waves Elastography techniques for the assessment of liver stiffness: 2D-SWE.SSI vs. 2D-SWE.GE. F. Bende, I. Sporea, A. Popescu, M. Danila, R. Mare, R. Lupusoru. Ultraschall in der Medizin 37(S 01) August 2016 DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1587856. IF: 4.434.
  • Value of 2D-SWE.GE for the Assessement of Liver Stiffness in Advanced Liver Fibrosis. F. Bende, A. Popescu, R. Sirli, R. Lupusoru, R. Mare, A-M. Stepan, I. Sporea. Gastroenterology 150(4):S1064 April 2016 DOI: 10.1016/S0016-5085(16)33590-9 IF: 4.494
  • How many valid measurements are necessary to assess liver stiffness using 2D-SWE.GE. F. Bende, I. Sporea, A. Popescu, R. Sirli, R. Mare, R. Lupusoru. Insights into Imaging (ISSN: 1869-4101) Volume 7, Issue 1 Supplement, March 2016.
  • The Value of Elastpq to Rule in and Rule Out HCV Liver Cirrhosis. F. Bende, I. Sporea, R. Mare, A. Popescu, R. Sirli, M. Danila, R. Fofiu, B. Miutescu. Gastroenterology 154(6):S-1188 May 2018 DOI: 10.1016/S0016-5085(18)33928-3.
  • Prospective comparison of noninvasive techniques for the assessment of liver stiffness in a cohort of compensated HCV liver cirrhosis. R. Lupusoru, I. Sporea, R. Sirli, A. Popescu, M. Danila, AM Stepan, R. Mare, F. Bende. Ultraschall in der Medizin 37(S 01) August 2016 DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1587857. IF: 4.434
  • A new diagnosis tool for the evaluation of liver fibrosis: Parametric Arrival Time imaging PAT). R. Lupusoru, I. Sporea, A. Popescu, R. Sirli, M. Danila, TV Moga, F. Bende. Ultraschall in der Medizin 37(S 01) August 2016 DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1587830. IF: 4.434
  • Comparison of four elastographic methods for the assessment of liver stiffness in compensated HCV liver cirrhosis. I. Sporea, F. Bende, R. Sirli, A. Popescu, M. Danila, R. Mare, AM Stean R. Lupusoru. Ultraschall in der Medizin 37(S 01) August 2016 DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1587862. IF: 4.434
  • The Value of ElastPQ for the Evaluation of Liver Fibrosis in Patients with B and C Chronic Hepatopathies. R. Mare, I. Sporea, A. Popescu, R. Sirli, M. Danila, AM Stepan, R. Lupusoru, F. Bende. Ultraschall in der Medizin 37(S 01) August 2016 DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1587977. IF: 4.434
  • The influence of food intake on liver stiffness measurements obtained by two 2D-SWE methods. A. Popescu, R. Lupusoru, F. Bende, R. Mare, R. Silri, M. Danila, TV Moga, C. Pienar, AM Stepan, I. Sporea. Ultraschall in der Medizin 37(S 01) August 2016 DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1587861. IF: 4.434
  • Ultrasound aspects in acute pancreatitis. C. Ciocea, M. Danila, A. Popescu, F. Bende, R. Sirli, I. Sporea. Ultraschall in der Medizin 37(S 01) August 2016 DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1587921. IF: 4.434
  • Which elastographic method is more feasible in assessing spleen stiffness in patients with HCV compensated liver cirrhosis? AM Stepan, M. Danila, R. Sirli, A. Popescu, R. Mare, F. Bende, A. Pascaru, I. Sporea. Ultraschall in der Medizin 37(S 01) August 2016 DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1587859. IF: 4.434
  • The performance of 2D SWE.GE compared to transient elastography for the evaluation of liver stiffness. I. Sporea, F. Bende, R. Sirli, A. Popescu, M. Danila, R. Mare, AM Stepan, R. Lupusoru. Ultraschall in der Medizin 37(S 01) August 2016 DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1587806. IF: 4.434
  • Ultrasound Based Elastographic Methods for the Prediction of Esophageal Varices in Liver Cirrhosis. A. Popescu, I. Sporea, R. Lupusoru, AM Stepan, R. Sirli, M. Danila, TV Moga, C. Pienar, R. Mare, F. Bende. Gastroenterology 150(4):S1168 April 2016 DOI: 10.1016/S0016-5085(16)33945-2. IF: 4.494
  • The Quality of Liver Tissue Specimen in Echo-Assisted Liver Biopsy. I. Sporea, F. Bende, R. Sirli, A. Popescu, S. Nistorescu. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology 41(4):S170 April 2015 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2014.12.648. IF: 2.2
  • 20 Years Experience of Percutaneous Echo-Assisted Liver Biopsy Using Menghini Modified Needles. I. Sporea, F. Bende, A. Popescu, R. Sirli, R. Mare. Gastroenterology 148(4):S-1005 April 2015 DOI: 10.1016/S0016-5085(15)33430-2. IF: 4.494
  • Liver stiffness measurements by means of Supersonic Shear IMAGING (SSI) should be performed in fasting condition or not? A. Popescu, O. Gradinaru- Tascau, S, Bota, M. Popescu, R. Sirli, M. Danila, F. Motiu, M. Szilasky, TV Moga, F. Bende, C. Popescu, Ioan Sporea. Ultraschall in der Medizin 34(S 01) October 2013 DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1355087. IF: 4.434
  • Severity pattern of recurrent acute pancreatitis. Is it stable? I. Sporea, F.Bende, A. Popescu, R. Sirli, R. Pleava. United European Gastroenterology Journal October 2015 3: 146-687, doi: 10.1177/2050640615601623. IF: 2.26.
  • Intra and interobserver reproducibility of Point Shear Wave Elastography using Arfi technique –ElastPq. I. Sporea, F. Bende, A. Popescu, R. Mare, O. Gradinaru-Tascau, R. Sirli. United European Gastroenterology Journal October 2015 3: 146-687, doi:10.1177/2050640615601623. IF: 2.26.
  • The Value of Ultrasound Based Elastographic Methods for Ruling Out the Presence of Esophageal Varices in Liver Cirrhotic Patients . A. Popescu, I. Sporea, R. Lupusoru, AM Stepan, R. Sirli, M. Danila, T. Moga, C. Pienar, R. Mare, F. Bende. Gastroenterology 154(6):S-1250, May 2018 DOI: 10.1016/S0016-5085(18)34106-4.