Dr. Dan Costachescu

Doctor in stiinte medicale

Asistent Universitar, Catedra de Radiologie si Imagistica Medicala a UMF Timisoara

Arii de interes medical:

  • Imagistica ginecologica cu precadere diagnosticul IRM al endometriozei;
  • Imagistica abdomino-pelvina;
  • Imagistica musculo-scheletala;
  • Imagistica Whole-Body IRM.

Cursuri postuniversitare:

  • 2024- Centrul de excelenta in depistarea endometriozei  “Nouvelle Clinique Bordeaux Tondu” - Dr. Thibaut Carteret;
  • 2014 - Bursa oferita de European School of Radiology - Imagistica Musculoscheletala - Royal Orthopaedics Hospital Birmimgham, UK.


  • Bota S, Sporea I, Sirli R, Popescu A, Danila M, Costachescu D. Intra- and interoperator reproducibility of acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) elastography--preliminary results. Ultrasound Med Biol;
  • Borsi E, Bucur A, Oncu CP, Oncu OP, Cerbu B, Costachescu D, Ionita I, Luca CT, Ionita H. First Line Therapy in Multiple Myeloma: VAD vs Bortezomib - Dexamethasone;
  • Costachescu D, Ionita I, Borsi EC, Potre O, Potre C, Navolan DB, Blidisel A, Ionita H, Erimescu A, Pop GN, Malita DC. Whole-body diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging and apparent diffusion coefficient values as prognostic factors in multiple myeloma;
  • Carabineanu A, Gadea R, Costachescu D, Mocanu A, Navolan D, Malita D, Ceausu R, Saracin c, Cretu O, Blidisel A. MRI Surveillance of Plastic Material Surgical Meshes: Experimental Model - Interim Results;
  • Costachescu, D, Ionita, H. The importance of bone marrow infiltration patterns in multiple myeloma seen on magnetic resonance imaging—Case report and imaging perspective;
  • Potre C, Borsi E, Potre O, Samfireag M, Costachescu D, Cerbu B, Bratosin F, Secosan C, Negrean RA. Assessing Pretransplant and Posttransplant Therapy Response in Multiple Myeloma Patients;
  • Bercean BA, Birhala A, Ardelean PG, Barbulescu I, Benta MM, Rasadean CD, Costachescu D, Avramescu C, Tenescu A, Iarca S, Buburuzan AS, Marcu M, Birsasteanu F. Evidence of a cognitive bias in the quantification of COVID-19 with CT: an artificial intelligence randomised clinical trial;
  • Potre C, Borsi E, Potre O, Ionita I, Samfireag M, Costachescu D, Secosan C, Lazar S, Ristescu AI. A Systematic Review Assessing the Impact of Vitamin D Levels on Adult Patients with Lymphoid Malignancies;
  • Isaic A, Motofelea AC, Costachescu D, Pop GN, Totolici B, Popovici D, Diaconescu RG. What Is the Comparative Efficacy of Surgical, Endoscopic, Transanal Resection, and Radiotherapy Modalities in the Treatment of Rectal Cancer? Healthcare (Basel);
  • Diaconescu R, Popovici D, Tarta C, Isaic A, Costachescu D, Totolici B. Pneumorrhachis Secondary to a Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer with Pre-Sacral Abscess-Case Report and Review. Medicina (Kaunas);
  • Costachescu D, Motofelea AC, Malita D, Birsasteanu F, Ionita I, Motofelea N, Jura CA, Bacila IF, Bacila M, Motoi S. Ruptured Ovarian Cystic Teratoma: A Rare Diagnosis, Easily to Be Confused with Peritoneal Carcinomatosis. Medicina (Kaunas).

Membru in:

  • SRIM ( Societatea Romana de Imagistica Medicala);
  • ESR ( European Society of Radiology).