- Endoscopie digestiva superioara si inferioara
- Ultrasonografie generala
Arii de interes medical:
- Diagnosticul endoscopic al leziunilor tubului digestiv superior si inferior
- Endoscopie digestiva interventionala (hemostaza endoscopica – montare hemoclipuri, injectare hemostatic, termocoagulare, ligatura endoscopica a varicelor esofagiene, polipectomie endoscopica, extragere corpi straini esofagieni, insertia endoscopica de gastrostome)
- Diagnosticul si tratamentul Bolilor Inflamatorii Intestinale (Boala Crohn + Rectocolita ulcero-hemoragica)
- Ecoendoscopie diagnostica (punctie fin aspirativa+ punctie fin bioptica)
Cursuri postuniversitare:
- 2017: Endoscopic Ultrasound Intensive Course, Craiova, Romania
- 2016: 24th United European Gastroenterology Week, Wien, Austria-scholarship
- 2016: National Congress of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endoscopy, Cluj
- 2016: The UEG Young Investigators meeting, Wien, Austria
- 2015: IBD National Symposium Cheile Gradistei, Brasov, Romania
- 2015: The UEG Summer School of Gastroenterology, Prague, Cehia
- 2015: The 15th National Congress of Internal Medicine , Caciulata-Calimanesti, Romania
- 2014: Workshop-“Ultrasound with contrast agents“, Bucharest, Romania
- 2014: Course “Troisieme cours intensif Franco-Rouman D’Oncologie Digestive“, Sibiu, Romania
- 2014: Summer school IBD , Poiana Brasov, Romania
- 2014: IBD National Symposium Bucharest
- 2014: Hepatology Course, Bucharest
- 2013: Pancreatic pathology course and EUS Workshop Bucharest
- 2013: National Congress of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endoscopy, Timisoara
- 2016: Constantin A, Ilie M, Tabacelia D, Popa B, Constantinescu G, Tincu R, Macovei A “Crohn’s Disease or Intestinal Tuberculosis. A Diagnostic Challenge”, Modern Medicine, Vol 23, No 3
- 2016: Constantin A, Ilie M, Tabacelia D, Popa B, Constantinescu G, Tincu R, Macovei A “Burden of Clostridium Difficile infection in Inflammatory Bowel disease”, Modern Medicine, Vol 23, No 2
- 2015: Constantinescu G, Ilie M, Baltac A , Plotogea O, Ciocirlan M, Stanciulescu L, Asmarandei R, Popa B, “Endoscopic mucosal resection of a neuroendocrine duodenal tumor” Therapeutics, Pharmacology and Clinical Toxicology, volum 19, nr 2, 2015
- 2011: M. Ilie, M. Popa, C. Chifiriuc, A. Baltac, G. Constantinescu, C. Tanasescu, „Helicobacter pylori cultivation from gastric biopsies and susceptibility to antibiotics used in empirical therapy”- Romanian Archives of Microbiology and Immunology , vol 70, nr 2, pg 60-65
- 2011: M. Ilie, M. Popa, L. Dascalu, C. Chifiriuc, G. Constantinescu, C. Tanasescu, A. Baltac, „Correlation of anti-Helicobacter pylori cag A Ig G antibodies with resistance to first treatment, bleeding gastroduodenal ulcers and gastric cancer”- , Romanian Archives of Microbiology and Immunology, vol 70, nr.3, pg 101-105
Carti publicate:
- M.Ilie, L.Dascalau, R. Macovei, A. Baltac, Helicobacter Pylori Cag A antibodies and their clinical implications, 2014, Lambert Publishing House
Capitole publicate in carti:
- 2016: Catalina Diaconu, A. Constantin, M. Ilie, R. Costache „Fecal microbiota transplant in Ulcerative Colitis patients with Clostridium Difficile infection” Chapter from Symptom to Diagnosis in Internal Medicine-Clinical Cases, coordinator dr Camelia Diaconu
- 2015: Gabriel Constantinescu, A. Baltac, M. Ilie, V. Sandru, G. Dediu, D. Pestroiu, “Rare cause of pneumomediastinum”, Chapter from Symptom to Diagnosis in Internal Medicine-Clinical Cases, coordinator, dr Camelia Diaconu, Prof dr Daniela Bartos
- 2014: M. Ilie, A. Baltac, A. Macovei-Oprescu, G. Constantinescu, -„Prophylaxis of pancreatic cancer” – Textbook of Digestive Oncology
- 2014: A. Baltac, G. Constantinescu, „Constipation” chapter in Gastroenterology-coordinator dr Gabriel Constantinescu
- 2014: M. Ilie, D. Pestroiu, A. Baltac, G. Constantinescu, A. Macovei, From theory to practice in internal medicine- clinical cases, theme „Ulcerative colitis with atypical presentation”
Prezentari la congrese/postere:
- 2016: Alina Constantin, M. Ilie, D. Tabacelia, V. Sandru, G. Constantinescu „Approach of rebleeding in upper GI non-variceal haemorrhage” 24th United European Gastroenterology Week, Wien, Austria
- 2016: Madalina Ilie, A. Constantin, D. Tabacelia, C. Diaconu, G. Constantinescu, „Treatment of ileal stenosis in Crohn’s disease:medical, endoscopic or surgical?” Congresul National de Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie si Endoscopie digestiva
- 2016: Madalina Ilie, I. Moroi, A. Constantin, D. Tabacelia, G. Constantinescu, „ Therapeutic approach of rebleeding in non-variceal upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage” Congresul National de Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie si Endoscopie digestiva
- 2016: Madalina Ilie, I. Moroi, V. Sandru, A. Constantin, G. Constantinescu: „Management of rebleeding in variceal gastrointestinal haemorrhage in patients with portal hypertension” Congresul National de Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie si Endoscopie digestiva
- 2016: Alina Constantin, M. Ilie, D. Tabacelia, V. Sandru, G. Constantinescu „Infection with Clostridium Difficile in Inflamatory Bowel Disease” Congresul National de Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie si Endoscopie digestiva
- 2015: Alina Constantin, O.Plotogea, M Ilie, V.Sandru, C.Toader, G. Constantinescu, „An intricate case of jaundice” Congresul National de Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie si Endoscopie digestiva
- 2015: G. Constantinescu, M Ilie, V.Sandru, O.Plotogea, Alina Constantin, D.Bucur, „The role of endoscopic palliative treatment of esophageal cancer” Congresul National de Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie si Endoscopie digestiva,
- 2015: O. Plotogea, M Ilie, A. Constantin, A. Oprescu Macovei, B.Martian, G.Constantinescu, „Difficult differential diagnosis of acute encephalopathy”, Congresul National de Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie si Endoscopie digestiva
- 2015: Madalina Ilie, G. Constantinescu, Oana Plotogea, V. Sandru, Cristina Toader, Alina Baltac, C. Nedelcu, B. Popa, C. Turculet, A. Streinu- Cercel, “Abdominal pain, beyond appearances” National Congress of Internal Medicine
- 2015: Alexandra Butnaru, Madalina Ilie, Dorina Pestrou, Flavia Motiu, Alina Baltac, Oana Plotogea, ”Watermelon stomach-cause of iron deficiency anemia”-poster- National Congress of Internal Medicine
- 2013: D.Pestroiu, G. Constantinescu, M. Ilie, D. Nedelcu, A. Baltac, A. Oprescu-Macovei, V. Sandru, „ Role of abdominal ultrasound in etiology and management of portal vein thrombosis” National Congress of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
- 2013: M. Ilie, D. Pestroiu, G. Constantinescu, A. Baltac, A. Macovei-Oprescu, A. Scafa, V. Enache, V. Sandru, „Acute ischemia of upper limb in ulcerative colitis” – National Symposium of IBD
Membra a:
- European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE)
Premii, distinctii:
- 2016: International Scholarship- 24th United European Gastroenterology Week, Wien, Austria
- 2017: UEG Visiting Fellowship for Clinicians–Fondazione IRCCS Ca Granda-Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Milano, Italy (in derulare)
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