Prof. Univ. Dr. Natalia Hagau

Anestezie si terapie intensiva
Prof. Univ. Dr. Natalia Hagau

Programari la Prof. Univ. Dr. Natalia Hagau


Anestezie cu propofol
345 Lei
Consult preanestezic
345 Lei
EKG traseu
170 Lei
Preturile afisate pe site sunt cele standard. In functie de gradul profesional si experienta fiecarui medic, de situatia medicala concreta a pacientului si de politica comerciala companiei, acestea pot varia si pot suferi modificari. Va rugam sa verificati corectitudinea acestora in call center: 021.9268

Medic primar Anestezie si Terapie Intensiva

Competenta in:

  • anestezia cardiovasculara 
  • politrauma
  • terapia intensiva a pacientului critic 


Numeroase publicatii printre care:

  • Petrisor C,  Hagau N,Onitiu-.Gherman N.Immediate-type hypersensitivity reactions in the ICU.ICU , Management & Practice 2018;18:122-124,
  • Damian L, Pamfil C, Fodor M, Rogojan L, Hagau N, Rednic S. Polyarteritis Nodosa in Pregnancy. Ochsner Journal 2018 ;18: 94-97
  • Petrisor C, Gherman N  Petrisor C,Szabo R,Constantinescu C,Prie A, Hagau N.Ultrasound-based assessment of hyomental distances  in neutral,ramped,and maximum hyperextended positions,and derived ratios,for the prediction of difficult airway in the obese population:a pilot diagnostic accuracy study.Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy. 2018;50:110-116
  • Kahan BC, Koulenti D, Arvaniti K, Beavis V, Campbell D, Chan M, Moreno R, Pearse RM; International Surgical Outcomes Study (ISOS) group. Critical care admission following elective surgery was not associated with survival benefit: prospective analysis of data from 27 countries. Intensive Care Med. 2017 ;43:971-979.
  • Ahmad T, Bouwman RA, Grigoras I, Aldecoa C, Hofer C, Hoeft A, Holt P, Fleisher LA, Buhre W, Pearse RM; International Surgical Outcomes Study (ISOS) group. Use of failure-to-rescue to identify international variation in postoperative care in low-, middle- and high-income countries: a 7-day cohort study of elective surgery.  Br J Anaesth. 2017 ;119:258-266
  • Szakmany T, Ditai J, Kirov M3, Protsenko D, Osinaike B, Venara A, Demartines N, Hubner M, Pearse RM, Prowle JR; International Surgical Outcomes Study (ISOS) group. In-hospital clinical outcomes after upper gastrointestinal surgery: Data from an international observational study. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2017. pii: S0748-7983(17)30630-3 (ahead of print)
  • Petrisor C, Szabo R, Constantinescu C, Prie A, Tranca S, Hagau N. Ultrasound-based quantification of submandibular space compliance as predictor for difficult intubation. A prospective observational preliminary study. European Journal of Anesthesiology 2017; 34 (Supp 55):11AP08-9
  • Petrisor C, Gherman N, Sfichi M, Muresan M, Hagau N. Multiple Anesthetic Drug Sensitization in a Hairdresser with Prevoius Immediate-type Hypersensitivity to Penicillin: A case Report. A@A Case Reports. 2017;9:151-153
  • Antal O, Marginean M, Hagau N. Assessment of method agreement between two minimally invasive hemodynamic measurements in septic shock patients on high doses of vasopressor drugs. A preliminary study. RJAIC 2017;24:89-100
  • Hagau N, Pop RS. Prevalence of burnout in Romanian anaesthesia and intensive care physicians and associated factors. Jurnalul Roman de Anestezie Terapie Intensiva/Romanian Journal of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care 2012; 19(2):117-124.
  • Hagau N, Gherman-Ionica N, Hagau D, Petrisor C, Tranca S, Sfichi M, Longrois D. Is a positive history of non anaesthetic drug allergy a predictive factor for positive allergy tests to anaesthetics? Br J Clin Pharmacol 2012; 73: 460–466.
  • Gherman-Ionica N, Bologa R,  Cocu S, Cristea C, Dirzu D, Hagau N. Proposal for use of two concentrations for metamizol to intradermal testing. Farmacia 2011;59(4):578-589.
  • Hagau N, Culcitchi C. Nutritional support in children with congentital heart disease.Nutritional Therapy & Metabolism 2010; 28: 172-184.
  • Bologa RO, Cristea V, Gherman-Ionica N, Maxim M, Csipak G, Brezoszki E, Hagau N. Prevalenta alergiei la antibiotice raportata de pacientii din ambulatorul de alergologie. Clujul Medical 2010; 83: 508-512.
  • Hagau N, Alb I, Bene L, Cocu S, Gherman-Ionica N, Indrei C. Concordanta intre istoricul de alergie medicamentoasa si testele alergologice intr-un centru de alergoanestezie. J Rom Anest Terap Int 2010; 17: 29-33.
  • Hagau N, Tranca S, Hagau R, Bene L, Indrei C. Basophil activation test and quantification of specific IgE versus skin tests in anaesthesia-related allergy. Eur J Anaesth 2010; 27 (suppl 47): 17AP4-5.
  • Hagau N, Bologa RO, Indrei CL, Longrois D, Dirzu DS, Gherman-Ionica N. Maximum non-reactive concentration of midazolam and ketamine for skin testing study in non-allergic healthy volunteers. Anaesth Intensive Care 2010;38:513-518. 
  • Hagau N, Studnicska D, Gavrus RL, Csipak G, Hagau R, Slavcovici AV. Central venous catheter colonization and catheter-related bloodstream infections in critically ill patients: a comparison between standard and silver-integrated catheters. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2009 Sep;26(9):752-758.

Membru in societati medicale 

  • European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM)
  • European Airway Management Society (EAMS)
  • Societatea Romana de Nutritie Parenterala si Enterala (ROSPEN)
  • European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA)
  • The European Association of  Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiologists (EACTA)
  • Societatea Romana de Anestezie Terapie Intensiva