Medic primar
Endoscopie digestiva
Bandare varice esofagiene
1000 Lei
760 Lei
Consult gastroenterologie
285 Lei
Control gastroenterologie
220 Lei
EKG traseu
160 Lei
Extractie corp strain
165 Lei
Extractie endoscopica de corp strain
1070 Lei
Intocmire document medical pentru scopuri administrative (certificate, referate, adeverinte etc)
215 Lei
375 Lei
Polipectomie <5 polipi sub 1 cm
625 Lei
Sef de lucrari la Disciplina de Gastroenterologie, Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie din Craiova
Arii de interes:
- endoscopia in diagnosticul afectiunilor digestive (patologie tumorala sau non-tumorala)
- boala inflamatorie intestinala : diagnostic si tratament
- screeningul cancerului colo-rectal
- diagnosticul si tratamentul afectiunilor hepatice
- diagnosticul si tratamentul pacientilor cu afectiuni pancreatice
Cursuri postuniversitare:
- 2019: Curs postuniversitar de endoscopie terapeutica, UMF Carol Davila Bucuresti
- 2019: Patient Care, Programul WIP dezvoltat de Worwag Pharma si Inspires, Sinaia, Oct 2019
- 2014: The UEG Trainee Course: Summer School, Prague, June 2014
- 2008: Euroschool Course – Ultrasound in gastroenterology, under European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology auspices
- 2007: Euroschool Course – Guidelines in Gastroenterological Ultrasound, under European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology auspices
- 2006: Postgraduate Teaching Program UEGW (Berlin 2006)
- 2005: “Advanced Post-graduate Course in Gastroenterology”, organized by Holland Digestive Disease Week (HDDW) Foundation, September 19th - 23rd in Zwolle and September 26th – 30th in Ámsterdam (Dr Fritz Nelis and Professor Chris Mulder)
Lucrari publicate
20 de articole in reviste cotate ISI - titluri reprezentative :
- Iordache S, Costache MI, Popescu CF, Streba CT, Cazacu S, Saftoiu A. Clinical impact of EUS elastography followed by contrast-enhanced EUS in patients with focal pancreatic masses and negative EUS-guided FNA. Med Ultrason. 2016;18(1):18-24.
- Iordache S, Albulescu DM, Saftoiu A. The borderline resectable/locally advanced pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: EUS oriented. Endosc Ultrasound. 2017;6 (Suppl 3):S83-S86.
- Poster of excellence - S Iordache, MI Costache, CT Streba, et al. Clinical impact of the sequential use of EUS elastography followed by contrast-enhanced EUS in patients with focal pancreatic masses and negative EUS-guided FNA. 20th UEGW, Gut/Endoscopy suppl, Vienna, Austria 2014