Dr. Andreea Iana

Cursuri postuniversitare: 

  • 2019: Ultrasonografia vasculară, UMF I. Hategan, Cluj
  • 2011: Ecocardiografie, UMF I. Hategan, Cluj-Napoca
  • 2010: Ecografie generala, UMF V. Babes, Timisoara


  • Linking myeloperoxidase with subclinical atherosclerosis in adults with metabolic syndrome. Wiener klinische Wochenschrift 2020,132, 150-154, Andreea Iana, Elena Sirbu 
  • Subclinical atherosclerosis in inflamatory reumatic diseases. An Official Journal Of The American College Of Rheumatology. Arthritis & Rheumatism, 10, 1055, 2011, Dan Nemes, Mihai Dragoi, Daniel Popa, Roxana Onofrei, Elena Sarbu, Andreea Iana, Mihaela Muntenau, Rodica Mihaescu. 
  • Impactul activitatii fizice asupra aterosclerozei subclinice la pacientii cu sindrom metabolic.Timisoara Physical and Education Journal,3, 2010, Andreea Iana, Elena Sarbu, C.Tudor, Ioana Suceava. 
  • Linking serum leptin with physical activity in patients with metabolic syndrome, The J.of Romanian Sport Medicine Society, 20, 1192-1197, 2009, Andreea Iana, R. Timar, C Tudor , Elena Sirbu 
  • Subclinical atherosclerosis in patients with metabolic syndrome with and without physical activity, The J.of Romanian Sport Medicine Society, 19, 1163-1168, 2009, Andreea Iana, R. Timar, Tudor C, Elena Sirbu 6. Linking endothelial dysfunction with family aggregation by patients with metabolic syndrome, Cercetari experimentale medico-chirurgicale, 3, 249-252, 2009, Andreea Iana, C. Tudor, R. Timar 
  • Linking the endothelial dysfunction in patients with metabolic syndrome with and without diabetes mellitus type 2, Poster Congres National al Societatii Romane de Diabet, Nutritie, Boli Metabolice, mai 2009, Sinaia, Andreea Iana, R. Timar, C. Tudor 
  • Metabolic syndrome and subclinical atherosclerosis, InfoMedica, 148, 31-34, 2009 Andreea Iana, R. Timar, C. Tudor 
  • Disfunctia endoteliala la pacienti cu sindrom metabolic, cu si fara diabet zaharat de tip 2. Orvosi es Gyogyszereszeti Szemle, 55, 179-182, 2009 Andreea Iana, R. Timar , C. Tudor 10. De la sindromul metabolic la sindromul cardiometabolic si riscul cardiometabolic. Noutatea Medicala, 3, 205-212, 2008. C. Tudor, Aurora Jeberean, Andreea Iana