Dr. Anamaria Trandafir

Medic specialist
Endoscopie digestiva
Ofera consultatii in judetele:
Dr. Anamaria Trandafir

Programari la Dr. Anamaria Trandafir


anamaria trandafir

9.81 din 10 390 recenzii
This is an average that reflects the scores given by patients following the interaction with the doctor during the consultation.


Aplicare endoclip
205 Lei
Colonoscopie fara sedare, cu biopsie flexibila pana la cec
565 Lei
Colonoscopie fara sedare, cu biopsie flexibila pana la flexura hepatica
525 Lei
Colonoscopie fara sedare, cu polipectomie si biopsie flexibila pana la cec
855 Lei
Colonoscopie fara sedare, cu polipectomie si biopsie flexibila pana la flexura hepatica
810 Lei
Colonoscopie fara sedare, fara biopsie flexibila pana la cec
370 Lei
Colonoscopie fara sedare, fara biopsie flexibila pana la flexura hepatica
340 Lei
Consult gastroenterologie
320 Lei
Consult pacient peste 4 ani
320 Lei
Consult pacient peste 60 ani
320 Lei
Preturile afisate pe site sunt cele standard. In functie de gradul profesional si experienta fiecarui medic, de situatia medicala concreta a pacientului si de politica comerciala companiei, acestea pot varia si pot suferi modificari. Va rugam sa verificati corectitudinea acestora in call center: 021.9268


  • Endoscopie digestiva superioara si inferioara
  • Diagnostica si terapeutica
  • Ecografie

Arii de interes: 

  • Endoscopie digestiva


  • Management of acute pancreatitis: where are we in 2019? - Tocia Cristina, Luana Alexandrescu, Andrada Dumitru, Anamaria Trandafir, Eugen Dumitru, The XXXIXth Romanian National Congress of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy, 06-08 June, 2019. 
  • Pancreatic cancer: 5 year data in Dobrogea - Tocia Cristina, Luana Alexandrescu, Marius Duduta, Anamaria Trandafir, Eugen Dumitru, The XXXIXth Romanian National Congress of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy, 06-08 June, 2019. 
  • Nutritional screening in chronic gastrointestinal diseases: does it matter? - Tocia Cristina, Luana Alexandresu, Cristian Buta, Anamaria Trandafir, Eugen Dumitru, The XXXIXth Romanian National Congress of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy, 06-08 June, 2019. 
  • ASSESSING RISK OF ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY IN CIRRHOTIC PATIENT- Trandafir Anamaria, Nu?u Magda, Tu?ă Liliana - The XLth Romanian National Congress of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy, 13-15 May 2021 
  • A RARE CASE OF CAVITARY PULMONARY METASTASES FROM PANCREATIC ADENOCARCINOMA- Trandafir Anamaria, Baz Radu-Andrei, Dumitru Andrei, Micu Lumini?a, Ni?coveanu Cosmin, Tocia Cristina, Dumitru Eugen- The XLth Romanian National Congress of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy, 13-15 May 2021 
  • A RARE CASE OF SINGLET RING CELL GASTRIC ADENOCARCINOMA MIMICKING GASTRIC ULCER -Trandafir Anamaria, Iusuf Timurlenc, Micu Lumini?a, Rafik Niamani, Dina Elena- The XLth Romanian National Congress of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy, 13-15 May 2021 
  • A CASE SERIES OF NEUROENDOCRINE TUMORS- Cristina-Daniela Aftenie, Trandafir Anamaria, Elena Dina, Luana Alexandrescu- The XLth Romanian National Congress of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy, 13-15 May 2021 
  • THE ETIOLOGY OF LIVER CIRRHOSIS AND THE RISK OF ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY- Trandafir Anamaria, Dumitru Eugen, Grosu Andreea, Petrescu Magda, Tu?ă Liliana Ana-8th SWS International Scientific Conference on Social Sciences - ISCSS 2021, 19 – 22 August, 2021 
  • ANTIBIOTIC- INDUCED ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY: A SINGLE-CENTER EXPERIENCE-Petrescu Magda, Grosu Andreea, Trandafir Anamaria, Tu?ă Liliana Ana, Pana Camelia-8th SWS International Scientific Conference on Social Sciences - ISCSS 2021, 19 – 22 August, 2021 
  • RARE CASE OF SIGNET RING CELL APPENDICULAR ADENOCARCINOMA - Trandafir Anamaria, Dina Elena, Rafti Raluca, Tocia Cristina, Dumitru Eugen- The XLIth Romanian National Congress of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy,30 June-02 July 2022 
  • FECAL CALPROTECTINE IN ULCERATIVE COLITIS: FRIEND OR FOE? - Rafti Raluca, Dumitru Andrei, Elena Dina, Dumitru Eugen, Musat Marilena, Trandafir Anamaria, Tocia Cristina- 14th National Symposium on Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Bucharest, 2022 

Membru in: 

  • Consiliul Scolii Doctorale de Medicina, Universitatea "Ovidius"
  • Colegiul Medicilor Romania
  • Societatea  romana de gastroenterologie si hepatologie
  • Societatea romana de endoscopie digestiva

Conferinte si congrese: 

  • The XXXVIIIth Romanian National Congress of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy, 24-25 May, 2018, Craiova, Romania 
  • Digestive Endoscopy Cluj 2018, 24-25 September 23-25, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 
  • Bucharest Live Endoscopy, 9-11 May 2019, Bucuresti, Romania 
  • The XXXIXth Romanian National Congress of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy, 06-08 June, 2019, Timisoara, Romania 
  • Summer School by United European Gastroenterology, 13-16 June 2019, Prague, Czech Republic 
  • Colentina GastroMarathon, 21-22 November 2019, Bucuresti, Romania 
  • The XLth Romanian National Congress of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy, 13-15 May 2021, Mamaia, Romania 
  • GastroForum Constanta, 30 Sept-02 Oct 2021, Constanta, Romania 
  • Colentina GastroMarathon, 10-11 December 2021, Bucuresti, Romania 
  • Bucharest Live Endoscopy, 12-14 May 2022, Bucuresti, Romania 
  • The XLIth Romanian National Congress of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy,30 June-02 July 2022, Bucuresti, Romania 
  • GastroForum Constanta, 19 Sept-02 Oct 2022, Constanta, Romania